Do you know about Green Building Technology?

What is the meaning of green building technology?

Green building Technology or Green Construction is a concept that buildings are designed according to eco-friendly way. Those buildings are environmentally accountable and resource-efficient throughout life of the building. More scientifically we can describe the green building concept, the theory of constructing buildings using reusable materials and renewable sources which make the building efficient and environment friendly. That buildings are not the same as usual building constructions. Green building technology also covers everything from geothermal and energy-efficient appliances.

Why do we need that green building technology concept?

The concept of green building technology means that the building is designed in such a way that it consumes less energy, has low maintenance costs, and improves air quality. In Sri Lanka, now we are facing an energy crisis because some areas have long-duration power cuts, and The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka, the regulator of the electricity industry has approved a new electricity tariff revision. According to that the consumer category with consumption of fewer than 30 units Tariff Increase by 264% and the consumer category with consumption of 120 - 180 units Tariff Increase by 79%. Therefore, unit cost significantly increases. During power cuts, Most of the office buildings and economic places full fill their energy requirement using diesel generators. That generator also releases lots of harmful gases into the environment, it will be the reason for air pollution. As a solution for the above difficulties, we can substitute green building technology for the usual building construction technology. If they follow the green building concept at least they have enough light conditions and fresh air during these power disruptions. As well as industries can reduce their electricity consumption and cost, by using that green technology concept.

How to construct a green building? What are the key features of green buildings?

The green building technology concept can apply from the beginning to the end of the construction process as well as in the reconstruction process. (Traditional constructions can convert into green buildings by following the green building theories). In the beginning, based on the environmental conditions of the land, biodiversity, and based on geological aspects of architecture can design the plan of the construction with the least amount of environmental damage. In material selection, using alternative materials and recycled materials engineers can select the most preferable materials for the building that will be beneficial to the environment as well as the owners.

As Energy sources, renewable sources can use. Solar Energy and Wind Energy are the best sources of green building technology concepts. Using rainwater, some requirements can full fill in the buildings. If the building is designed according to green building technology, it will reduce the load of air conditioners.

International examples of green building technology?

01. Pixel Building (Melbourne, Australia)

The Pixel Building was Australia's first carbon-neutral office building and generated all its own power and water on site. Eye-catching panels that provide shade and maximize daylight as needed, a roof that captures rainwater, and a series of vertical wind turbines generate energy.

02. One Central Park (Sydney, Australia)

One Central Park was opened in the year 2014 and a park at the foot of the building literally continues up the structure, as the vegetation of 250 species of Australian plants and flowers cover One Central Park. One Central Park has 25% less energy consumption compared with a conventional building of its size.

03. Bahrain World Trade Center 1 and 2 (Bahrain)

Bahrain World Trade Center was opened in the year 2008 and the futuristic towers of Bahrain's World Trade Center complex are optimally positioned to take advantage of the island nation's desert winds, with three turbines mounted on sky bridges between the towers to generate electricity.

04. Museum of Tomorrow (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Museum of Tomorrow was opened in the year 2015 and Its sustainable design features include adjustable, fin-like solar panels that add to the building's Neofuturist aesthetic, and a pumping system that takes cold water from the bottom of nearby Guanabara Bay for use in its air- conditioning system.

05. Vancouver Convention Centre West (Vancouver, Canada)

Vancouver Convention Centre West was opened in the year 2009 and the West building’s six-acre living roof –the largest in Canada and the largest non-industrial living roof in North America – features more than 400,000 indigenous plants and grasses. Vancouver Convention Centre’s unique roof is designed to act as an insulator, reducing heat gains in the summer and heat losses in the winter. The roof is also home to four beehives with European honey bees. The bees help pollinate the plants on the living roof.

Green building technology provides financial benefits to owners, and residents and they have a low annual cost of energy, water, and maintenance. As well as through modern green building technologies and integrated designs can reduce the total cost of the building more than the cost of a traditional building. Finally, green building technology is not only for the environment, it is also beneficial for the owners and residents and it will be a solution to the energy crisis and it will prove to be a blessing for developing nations.

‘Green technologies - going green - is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century.’ – Mr. John Doerr


Written by

Asitha Erandika

Undergraduate, Department of Civil and Environmental Technology

University of Sri Jayewardenepura.


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